Note Regarding Archived Music Reviews/Analysis


Hello all. This isn’t a music update, but since this is new year, I decided to get some house cleaning out of the way while I am still thinking about it.

Specifically, regarding the archived music review/analysis on this site: initially these were written for a communications class I took back in college during 2005-2007, with several written afterwords. A few, such as the reviews regarding Ulver, Beyond Sensory Experience, and Swans (these are the ones I can remember offhand in any event) were kindly displayed by the relevant parties band pages during those times. There were also a very small few that attracted the ire of the band/project in question. Can’t win them all. 😅

The point is that I have not looked at any of this material for over a decade. Some of these reviews were also of material that is not easily available in physical format. If it wasn’t for the fact that some of these articles continue to get regular traffic to this day, I probably would have deleted them all already. But since some people seem to get value or information out of them, I decided to keep them up. If you have any questions regarding them, I will do my best to answer them, but it should be clear I am not a subject expert on the bands/albums in question, and may or may not still agree with any opinions I had at the time of the original writing (people and their interests change over time, after all).

Would I like to resume ‘semi-pro’ music reviews in the future? Yeah, maybe. But I already have a music project and a netlabel to run, so I’m not eager to further whittle down what free time I have. Thank you all and have a great 2024. Take care, and stay safe out there.

~ by John Lithium on January 14, 2024.

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